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The Fastest Way To Achieve your Biggest Goals

The Fastest Way To Achieve your Biggest Goals

Be it smart goals, long term or short term goals, affirmations or visualization, I’m sure by now you know all about goal setting and the best ways to achieve your goals.

What’s Holding You back?

I’m sure you practice all of it. But do you still feel like you’re missing something? Well then, you really need to understand the concept of Micro Goals.



  • 1 out of every 1000 people achieve their goals really fast while the other 999 keep struggling to achieve them, wondering where they went wrong.
  • The only thing that one person does extra is converting the one big goal into several micro goals.
  • “MICRO GOALS are clearly defined actions that you can do within a short period of time or immediately.”
  • Any #goal is a micro goal if it holds both of these conditions true:
  • The task should be a small and doable action that you can do right now. An action that you can start taking with the resources and training you already have.
  • Total control of doing that action lies only with one person- You. An action that is not dependent on anyone else.
  • For instance, if you want to lose weight, do not quantify it. Instead, make it a point to have a little more salad and one less chapati when you next have dinner.


You focus on the action and let the universe take care of the results.

Set big goals but don’t forget to break them down into #microgoals to achieve the big ones faster. Practice it for 7 days and I’m sure you will do wonders!

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