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7 Reasons Why You Are Not Happy With Life

7 Reasons Why You Are Not Happy With Life

I've been working with people for 18 years. And anytime I had the chance to ask them what they wanted in life? "Money and Happiness" was the answer given by more than 90% of those asked. People desire to be happy and successful. In today's society, there is an abundance of motivating information available on the internet, as well as books, gurus, and experts on how to become happy and successful. Despite this, individuals are unhappy and lead miserable lives.

Even I had this challenge, and I wasn't living my life to the fullest, and I wasn't as happy as I am today. After much study and research, I discovered that there are several basic things that we neglect and end up being dissatisfied in life.

#1 People are Following Someone else’s Definition of Success

People often follow someone else's concept of success. They work hard because they want to succeed, but they are actually following others to achieve their own pleasure or success. They end up doing what others advise them to do as a result of this. People are constantly working on things to make other people happy. I want you to consider your definition of success.

Some individuals define happiness as the act of helping others. They are not happy with fame, money, or recognition. They believe that God has given them a purpose to help those who are lonely and miserable. Their vision was clear the day they realized that their success is based on the happiness of others.

You determine what you want to do; there is no such thing as right or wrong in life. All of these restrictions are a waste of time. You get to choose what you want. So, if you desire to be happy then be clear about your vision and purpose in life.

Also watch: How to be Happy

#2 Expectation

We believe that the situation and people should be how we expect. We want to have control over everything that happens around us, so we build a framework and expect others to stay within it which is something impossible. We are continuously anticipating. Discussing politics, sports, and our daily lives and expecting them to be that way is a waste of time and energy.

So, if you truly want to be happy, you need to trade your expectations with acceptance. Accept the situations and people in your life. Don't attempt to change others; instead, work on yourself.

#3 Wrong Focus

Why do we focus on the wrong things, which we don't have? I once read a short story in which a boy was concerned because his shoes were not clean and shiny until he met a boy without legs. It all relies on what we focus on.

Because neither I nor you are perfect, why should we expect others to be? Focus on positivity. So, as long as you correct your focus, things will get better.

#4 Meaning of Whatever is Happening

Whatever happens to us has meaning for us. We blame individuals and circumstances for the unpleasant things that happen to us. We frequently moan about why someone isn't doing something, why this circumstance is terrible, and so on.

This is the interpretation we give to events in our lives. You are on your path to happiness when you modify the meaning of things.

#5 Centre of Control

Most of the times people are worried about things that are not actually in their control. So, whenever you worry about something, pause for one second and ask yourself, is this the thing for whom I am worried is in my control?

And if it is not, then immediately think about something which is in your control.

#6 Opinion of Others

People often give too much importance to other people’s opinions. They make decisions based on the opinions of others. Buying things and going on vacations to show off isn't a good practice. Accept it right now that people don't care about you as much as you believe they do. Never focus on temporary things; instead, concentrate on your own life, goals which are permanent

#7 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Never, ever compare yourself to others. You are unique, and that is your beauty. For example, suppose someone founded a new firm and compared it to an already established business. It is pointless because a successful business requires enormous efforts and years of hard work.

Remember that you have your own set of abilities, mindset, talent, and potential. "The greatest gift you can give to the world and to yourself is to "Be Yourself." If you really desire to be happy and successful then work on these 7 issues.

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